Monday, 26 January 2009

today i am extremly pissed off.

Ok we have this ongoing problem. Nits. My step son started talking about nits one day. So we phoned his mum and said why is he going on about nits. She says oh he is just being a drama queen. Ok so we check his head and it is swarming with them. Lovely. Sent her a message saying his head is full of nits, why didnt you just tell us so we could get some stuff on he way back. She pulls on the usual big emotional act of please leave me alone I will sterilise the house. Well we dont give a toss if you strerilse the house just treat his nits. So this is where it starts. he was at our house all weekend without us knowing he has nits. Before you know it they all have them. Still not a problem, all kids get nits just get it treated and then its sorted. Oh no its not that simple. so the scenario goes, we treat the kids, he goes home comes back with them again. We tell her she has to treat him too to stop any eggs that hatch. "stop having a go at me blah blah blah" quite frankly missy if I had had a go at you, I assure you, you would know about it. Dear me. how can you not take responsibilty and sort the problem out. I have know spent over £100 in a vain attempt to get rid of the dam things. My daughter having long hair is the one that is suffering most. she seems so sensitve to them. I have lost my rag completley. We have had to cancel seeing friends today because of it. I wanted to take my daughter to the hairdressers for a treat a few months back but couldnt as yet again they had come back. Ironically she keeps almost gloating that she dosent have them. Well dear if you dont go near your child you wont get them. It is certainly nothing to be proud off. Ok so today I am quite clearly well piddled off. I think I need to fetch my punch bag down.

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